
Etsy Bloggers' Monthly Blogger Award goes to...

Magical Mermaid Art Doll and Treasure Box
I am thrilled to introduce you all to Feburary's Etys Blogger (of the Etsy Bloggers Etsy Team).  It may be the first week of March, but we are still featuring Diana, the owner of BunnyKissed for one more week!  Diana is an artist and a teacher and her favorite materials include "paper, paint, glue, scissors, polymer clay, pencils, watercolors, camera, and her computer", although she does not limit herself to those! 

Check out BunnyKissed on Etsy and you will find a creative and amazing assortment of artwork, sculptures, and jewelry.  Diana has an eclectic collection of items in her shop, full of whimsy!  Many of the items you will find have been created using polymer clay, and Diana proves to be spectacular at working with it!  I've included just a few of my favorites for you to enjoy.  Check out the shop for more of her creative, imaginative, and beautiful work! 
Water Fortune Pin.
Kawaii Moon

Grow- Original 8x10 Watercolor Painting 
Crazy Kitty
Mermaid on a Rock.
Purple Moon Pin 

Another shop you may enjoy browsing, as well as checking out her blog!

The Art of Joy
Joy was the Etsy Blogger
for the month of Jan. 2011

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